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These articles are about bands and music in general with focus on the guitar playing. They can also be about great guitar concerts from the past and bands who made the biggest impact with their guitar sounds.

Nick Drake Revisited

It’s time to revisit one of our favorite guitarists and songwriters… Nick Drake as the music of Nick drake has been always present here like a rock and roll ghost. I was fortunate to have a good friend who roughly 20 years ago sat me down and played his entire catalog of work. It became… 

BRUTE Force Metal Guitar “Torturous Presence” -Brute

Gothoom Productions’ second offering in a godzilla vs kong noise style guitar battle of the bands in conjunction with Guitardoor continues in promoting including Bands from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We as one of the emerging websites for musicians are pleased to have the ability to share their visions of Metal. In this case… 

Sweet and Spicy New Guitar Sounds From The Birmingham Blues Duo

Great musicians are always creating and Birmingham blues duo Ritchie Dave Porter and Debra Susan have just made a new track “Sugar and Spice” which is released on Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. I asked Ritchie about the new Track after hearing a cleaner overall sound and great production by Micheal Tingle. If there was much… 

Best Blues Guitar Albums

Making a list of the best blues guitar albums ever is not easy but these are the best 5 blues guitar albums to have in your collection. So you have a collection of a Range of blues music to listen to when you can’t go online. Best electric guitar blues album Live at the Regal…