Finding The Blues You Can Use

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If you are looking for some blues u can use then look no further. Today we have a guitardoor interview with bluerick. See what the self-composer, recorder, songwriter, and marketer said to Jimmy Flemming in his Guitardoor Interview.

But First up 

BaysideBlue Recording Presents

PREMIERED  —  Oct 8, 2021  …  12:00 PM

BlueRick – YOU Make the Sun Shine

This Morning I awoke to a Gentleman Chris had run across called BlueRick and about 35 seconds into the song “Puttin’ Miles in Between” I already knew we HAD to reach out. Bayside, New York is the home base for this most creative Artist and Owner/Mgr of BaysideBlue Records.His songs evoke different eras of the past, be it Blues, a Rockabilly approach, or in the case of “Miles” Jimmie Rodgers “Singing Brakeman” Hobo Rail Jumper style.The sounds are not “Dated”, they are freshly composed but are done in such a way that the Authenticity is such that you can close your eyes and travel back in time.

Finding The Blues You Can Use
finding the blues you can use images

So we Welcome BlueRick to the Family.

What brought you to music as a passion and why the guitar specifically? 

“I come from a musical family on my dad’s side. He was a pro musician. I started humming to music before I could talk. I started fooling around on my grandmother’s piano at age three. I performed on TV as a child performer at age 4. I learned violin, piano, and clarinet by the age of twelve. I picked up the guitar at age fourteen.’ “Why the guitar? Buddy Holly, girls screaming for him. I wanted to meet those girls. The guitar was the way for me to do it and it has worked ever since”

What is your current time and depth of involvement in music and how did you progress to where you are today?

“The first song I ever played was a version of Wilbur Harrison doing Kansas City. Then a guy named Web Pierce doing “I Ain’t Never”

I played local church dances and had to sneak in the back door of my first bar gig because I was fifteen at the time. In college, I met other guitar players who formed a very famous group and substituted for one of them when he got sick. I did some commercial work. And I did a lot of live club gigs. And then I got into studio work And that’s where I learned the art of recording…eventually setting up my own studio. I’ve been heavily influenced by people like Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy, Johnny and Edgar Winter, Stevie Ray Vaughan…etc.’

BlueRick – Lost Soul Blues…from (blues u can use)

I grew up to music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. I was at the original Woodstock. So what you hear from me is filtered through those sensibilities.”

You have a sound that is eerily accurate to decades past as if it was recorded in a different time. How have you achieved this and what are the particular instruments you favor in this work? 

My current studio, BaysideBlue, is stocked with Gibson, Epiphone, and Fender guitars. My gear is purposely ‘obsolete’ by design. I like what I heard as a kid and I am flattered that you think I sound like a throwback to an earlier time. If I do then I have achieved my goal.My studio is now computer-based. I run my guitars, drums, etc through a series of preferred analog effects and into my computer’s DAW for completion.”

Bayside Blues
blues u can use

BlueRick – Puttin’ Miles in Between

Favorite memories and experiences of your life in music?

“My favorite memories include talking with Jimi Hendrix, working in his studio, hanging with the Winter boys back in the day, and of course, Woodstock.

And a special mention must be made of Roxie Rehearsal…gone but not forgotten.”

What advice would you give a young person that has decided to follow in all of our footsteps as musicians? 

“The advice I would offer to anyone interested in what I have to say is the following. Hone your skills vocally and instrumentally. Listen to those whose talent you admire. And then take your skills and develop your own style and sound. Write your own songs and play them your way. And finally, I would say this…music has been the foundation of my life. It’s a blessing to be creative to any degree. Never ignore it.” 

I highly recommend not only visiting BlueRick’s Official Page as well as subscribing to his YouTube channel. Songs like “Someone Else” and “Talkin’ to the TV” in my opinion are just flat original well-crafted songs and Have Individuality at every turn.

He’s a True American songwriter conveying all manner of emotion. This is True Roots music. To appreciate where the state of music over the years came from you must become a student of the past. BlueRick has brought the past to the present in his own way.

 A Storyteller of the highest order. I’ve heard two others do this, one being Leon Redbone and one being Chillicothe, Ohio’s own Mike Webb. Yet this is not a comparison. 

Each one is Magnificent, But all are Rare Birds that you need to know about. You don’t find this every day. I’m glad Rick created this and that Chris found it. It’s Priceless and an art form to be appreciated. Make sure to check out his site and music for downloads and videos on

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4 thoughts on “Finding The Blues You Can Use”

  1. Great interview guys. I dig that groovy blues ? in the track “YOU MAKE THE SUN SHINE” and thanks for bringing up the sometimes near-forgotten musicians like Webb Pierce’s “I Ain’t Never” great feel-good music in this post.

  2. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my musical vision with a national and international audience. I consider it an honor to have been interviewed by you.

    One thing though, well two really…when I talked about my musical influences I inadvertently neglected to mention two of the most important musically and they are: the Beatles and Bob Dylan.
    I felt it was important to mention this.

    Thanks again for the very kind words. And since I’m always writing new material I expect we’ll cross paths again.

    Rick ‘BlueRick’ Solomon

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