Jimmy Page Guitar Magic From A Mystery Man

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I am one of Many who as a teen owned some form of Les Paul Copy and a Mirror. We wanted to be Jimmy Page. Low-slung guitar strap and one of many copies of the first Two Led Zep albums were part of our inspiration. The Riff from “Whole Lotta Love” was often the first order of business. Decades later we still find “Black Dog” and the DADGAD Tuning for “Kashmir” a bit perplexing. Many Danelectro Black and Whites were sold due to “White Summer/Black Mountainside”. I’ve owned two myself at different times.

His importance as not only a guitarist but as a cultural Icon has never faded. We Know the session Player story. We know the initial Yardbirds Bass player switched over to Guitar story. 

For myself, the Yardbirds Live 1968 album was the kickoff.

The Yardbirds – live Bouton Rouge (Colourised) 1968


The Yardbirds › Yardbirds ’68 (FULL ALBUM)

Taking on the Band and laying the template for Led Zeppelin as well as using his sound and production skills he was visionary light years ahead of his time and age. I was fascinated with the Wah Wah pedal as a Page fan before I dug into Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan. His use of it was worlds apart from other players. It gave it its own identity due to its use and not overuse of the effect. “Dazed and Confused” in both bands was a great study in the right placement and timing of that tool of sonic color.

“How Many More Times” on album one had an atmospheric quality that like most of his work still carries over to the present. It’s got the proper Mojo in so many ways.

Led Zeppelin – How Many More Times (Danmarks Radio 1969)

Led Zep 3 was at first a bit of a letdown, most expecting more of the same, then met with a wealth of acoustic works. In time and wisdom, one can appreciate this 3rd outing as expansion. Expansion is always a good thing for an artist, if not their public.

Jimmy Page With Robert Plant
Jimmy Page with Robert Plant 2 – Led Zeppelin – 1977” by Jim Summaria, http://www.jimsummariaphoto.com/ is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Now we come to The Fourth and the Mysticism rumors are now a bit more concrete. The page never really shied away from being interested in the Occult and otherworldly Plains, but the Sigils and other conversations akin to Robert Johnson’s deal at the crossroads were being talked about as much as the incredible music. 

Jimmy Page opens up about the Occult ,Satan and the Golden Dawn

The Curse of Led Zeppelin | Music’s Dark Side

The Musician



  1. 1.
    (in Greek and Roman mythology) each of nine goddesses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who preside over the arts and sciences.
  2. a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.

I have often had thoughts and conversations for 25 years of the Nature of Musicians capable of improvisational skills at a high level and often a player for lack of a better word “Channeling”, watching the hands move without a premeditated conscious effort. The line From the Grateful Dead is “when the music plays the band.” Why? Because I have had the experience happen to me.

So for good or ill Page is a master of allowing the muse to flow and flourish

He certainly upped the interests by his work as a composer for film scores including “Death Wish 2” but more notoriously being asked by Kenneth Anger in 1973 to score 40 mins for his short film “Lucifer Rising” Page delivered only 20 mins as he had lost interest and by some opinion found a new interest in Heroin. He eventually shed the addiction, and always seemed “The Comeback Kid”, The Cat with 9 lives.

Jimmy Page – Lucifer Rising (Complete Session Remastered)

The Biblical reference of “Test the spirits to see if they are of good or evil” Has most definitely been Tested by Page.

Jimmy Page’s best performance of “White Summer”

Led Zeppelin – Live in Cleveland (April 27th, 1977) – restored 8mm film

Regardless of how much truth or fiction is involved Jimmy Page remains Happy Healthy and active. No Matter the time periods or the gear, from the Dragon Telecaster to the Les Paul formerly owned by Guitarist Joe Walsh Jimmy is an eclectic individual and Musician. 

Always with a twinkle in his eye of “I know something you don’t know.”

Many People have been critical of Page as being “Sloppy” and rough around the edges, you must realize regardless of your opinion that Criticism is hard to fully embrace as Pages’ net worth in 2021 is over 170 Million Dollars. He’s been doing something right, like it or not. Maybe he did sell his soul to the devil for guitar skills with that kind of money.

ZOSO Has been there, done that, excelled at it all, and can still amaze an audience of all ages and create excitement with his Physical Presence as well as his Leadership on the Stage like the best bluesman doing the shuffle.

From His solo works, collaborations in “The Firm” and his work with The Black Crowes the music he’s made will continue to last the tests of time. Whatever He’s followed in his private life, He has made an impact on the music world, not only as a player but as an enigma. How he got there is all told we don’t know, But he got there and will always be the Pioneer of Image and sound.

Jimmy Page Guitar
Jimmy Page #2 Led Zeppelin. photo: Dina Regine” by Dina Regine is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Led Zeppelin – Kashmir (Live from Celebration Day) (Official Video)

Guitarist, songwriter and former author of articles on guitardoor check out my music on my website. https://jimmyflemingmusic.com/music

3 thoughts on “Jimmy Page Guitar Magic From A Mystery Man”

  1. In my opinion Jimmy Page played with a fire and passion that not only influenced myself and millions of other guitar players but also created the greatest hard Rock riffs in history…never equalled.
    Pages solo on ‘Since I’ve been loving you ‘ is my personal favourite guitar solo of all time…it is simply beautiful and perfect with soul ,feel and fabulous technique.

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