Bedroom Pop Rock Guitar Innovator Jordan Seal

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This fascinating individual leads a dual life, working as a lawyer in Atlanta during the day, and pursuing his passion for music as “Jordan Seal” at night. He is a multifaceted player and a talented songwriter, known for his diverse and captivating music style that sets the standard for bedroom pop-rock artists. Jordan Seal’s music is a unique blend of acoustic and electric guitars, combined with other instruments, such as the piano and drums, to create sounds that are truly his own. His talent and passion for music are evident in his performances, which leave his audience mesmerized by his captivating melodies and heartfelt lyrics. It is no wonder that he is considered one of the most talented and inspiring musicians of his generation.

Once again he is why Guitardoor exists. We literally spend hours a day searching for Guitarists, writers, and great bands. It’s often a random find that Chris and I both agree “Hey that’s pretty great stuff!” Then it’s on to the other work of telling the story or even better the Artist tells us their story. So away we go…..

Jordan, What pulled you to music and how long have you been building on your Obvious Talents?

I grew up as an avid listener but didn’t learn to play music until I was a teenager. While visiting relatives, an uncle showed me his guitar and played a few things. He wasn’t an expert and didn’t seem to care: he loved music and played for fun, without any pretenses. I needed some low-stakes fun and, when I got home, I unearthed my dad’s old acoustic and started to play. I’m not naturally talented but loved playing and did so constantly.

Soon after, playing guitar took on other important roles: a welcome distraction from schoolwork and social anxiety and an outlet and balm for my teenage emotions. As soon as I’d learned a few chords, I started directing the latter into my songs. For whatever reason, I felt comfortable singing about things that I would have struggled to talk about even with my closest friends. I got into the habit of pouring myself into songs and recording them using a toy cassette player we’d had since I was a child. That habit persists (more or less) to this day. 

What do you find sparks a great song? For you to have the Light bulb moment?

I love chords, probably because I grew up listening to pop/rock from the 1960s and 1970s, full of fabulous chord changes. I find it easy to associate moods and images with chord progressions (or even just bass lines), and it takes just one evocative lyric for me to become obsessed with turning a set of chords into a song. 

Atlanta has always been a huge spot for incredible talent. Who do you know there you admire in music?

I’m not from Atlanta and not deeply embedded in any particular scene, but I’ve met some talented people here. I’m thinking, in particular, of people I’ve seen performing at open mic nights at Buteco (in Atlanta) and Hendershot’s (in nearby Athens) – many of whom have talent far over their notoriety – and of Mike McGill, a longtime Atlanta musician who taught me how to play bass. Though I don’t know her, I’m also a big fan of Faye Webster: a few years ago, I saw her play in a tiny venue and was extremely impressed. She’s gotten good press recently and it’s entirely deserved.

Tell us about your guitars of choice.

For practical reasons, I do most of my playing on acoustic guitar, but I get the most joy from playing electric. In both cases, I rely mostly on guitars that I’ve had since high school: a budget Seagull acoustic and a Fender Telecaster. The telecaster was an odd choice for me then, but now I rarely play anything else. But I’m also very excited about a new piece of gear: another telecaster, but this time a baritone issued as part of Squier’s “paranormal” series. I love the sound of that instrument and plan for it to be the centerpiece of my next recording project. 

Where do you want to see yourself five years from now? What’s your ultimate goal?

In the narrow world of my music, 2021 has been a wonderful year. I’ve recorded and released more than ever before, and with the repetitions, I can feel myself forming something like an artistic identity. In five years, I want to look back and see that I maintained 2021’s momentum. I have a lot of music (new and old) that I’d like to record and release, and as the world returns to normal, I would love to gig more consistently. Though I’ve long treated songwriting as a private, solitary art, I’ve recently longed to collaborate. I’m opening myself to those kinds of opportunities for the first time and I’m interested to see what happens.

But ultimately, my goal is to make music that reaches other people. Deep down, I’m the same self-conscious, eager-but-shy kid who picked up a guitar at 14. I still believe that music has special powers: that it can harness and translate the beauty and ugliness of human existence. Some of my most important relationships have been built through music. To build similar relationships through my music: seems like the ultimate goal.

Jordan Seal Gypsy Angel

In running through Jordan’s Soundcloud I am struck by the continuity of his work. I don’t find favorites, I like them all. I hope when this Covid Nightmare is done I can find the opportunity to see him live. If you have a checklist of an ever-growing artist he checks them all. I find his music and standout voice as well as his Lyrical content to be of great interest and I hope you do as well. As Mr. T would say “I pity the fool who doesn’t like Jordan Seal! It’s a Bloody Shame!”

More From Jordan Seal

We discovered Jordan when he was looking for feedback on his bedroom pop rock track long goodbye. You can find Jordan Seals’ social profile below to hear more from him. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share and follow more emerging Guitarists who make bedroom pop rock and Guitar Greats on




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2 thoughts on “Bedroom Pop Rock Guitar Innovator Jordan Seal”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this! I’m not gonna lie: it is a dream for you to have asked these kinds of questions about my music 😂 It has been fabulous to have met you and to have discovered your work! You’re on my bookmarks bar and I’ll be on the lookout for more!

    • Thanks Jordan I hope you gain a few more fans for your music with this feature. We are glad to have you here on the site and hoping to hear much more great new music from you in 2022

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