Ignite Your Guitar Skills with Christy Moore’s Iconic Songs

Are you ready to set your guitar skills on fire? Get ready to dive into the world of Christy Moore’s iconic songs and ignite your musical journey like never before. Whether you’re a seasoned guitarist or an enthusiastic beginner, this blog is your ultimate resource for uncovering the magic behind Moore’s legendary tunes. Imagine strumming … Read more

Playing Guitar if you can’t Sing

Playing Guitar If You Can'T Sing

Singing and playing guitar simultaneously is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Many guitarists who can sing started out by learning to play the guitar without singing. There are many advantages to learning to play the guitar without singing. Not being able to sing can actually be an advantage when learning guitar. … Read more

Finding a great song to learn on guitar

Finding A Great Song To Learn On Guitar

Cover Photo Petr Kratochvil So you have been playing the guitar for a while and you are looking for a great song to learn on guitar and before you decide which song is a great song to learn on guitar you need to ask yourself a few questions. These tips can help you decide on … Read more

5 easy to play country guitar songs

5 Easy To Play Country Guitar Songs

Country music has been a popular genre for many decades and continues to attract a lot of fans. If you’re interested in learning how to play guitar, you might want to start with easy to play country guitar songs. The guitar is a versatile instrument and can be used to play many different styles of … Read more