Discover Easy 2 Chord Songs for Beginner Guitarists

2 Chord Songs

The importance of learning 2 chord songs for beginner guitarists Learning 2 chord songs is crucial for beginner guitarists as it provides a solid foundation for their musical journey. By starting with simple songs that only require two chords, beginners can build confidence and develop essential skills that will benefit them in the long run. … Read more

Keeping Focused With Your Guitar Practice

Keeping Focused With Your Guitar Practice

Tips on being Focused With Your Guitar Practice.With so much to learn on guitar sometimes its hard to focus on what to learn and practice on guitar.Here are a few tips and ideas with some further suggestions from Quora and a video with some tips on maintaining focus with your Guitar practice from a classical … Read more

Quick Guide to Playing Jazz on Guitar

Finding A Great Song To Learn On Guitar

Is playing Jazz on Guitar difficult? Jazz can be challenging to play on guitar due to its complex harmonies and improvisational nature. The genre often requires advanced knowledge of music theory, as well as technical proficiency on the instrument. However, with dedicated practice and study, it is possible to become proficient in playing jazz on … Read more

Songs With The Same Chords Throughout

Songs With The Same Chords Throughout

In an effort to improve my rhythm skills on guitar, I have been focusing on songs with the same chords throughout as the best songs to learn for rhythm since I only have to think of a single chord progression and strum pattern. Here, I have chosen some of the best songs to learn and … Read more

Just Play Something on Guitar Instantly Playlist

Just Play Something On Guitar

Why Did You Pick Up the Guitar? Let’s start with a question: Why did you get a guitar in the first place? The answer is simple yet profound—to just play something on guitar. Maybe it’s a fiery solo that sets your soul ablaze, a sing-along tune to share with friends, or simply a quest to … Read more

5 Songs for Guitar Using G, D, and A

5 Songs For Guitar Using G, D, And A

When it comes to learning songs on guitar we all hit the barrier of trying to learn a song with a tricky chord progression. This can really break your rhythm if you are not upto speed with your chord changing skills. So sometimes it’s better to just focus on a song with the chord progressions … Read more

Best Video for help with finding guitar phrases

One of the most difficult things to learn when it comes to guitar is making scales sound like solos and finding phrases without a trained guitar teacher to explain that to you can be tricky.Part of the reason my guitar playing is terrible at times is due to my impatience when it comes to watching … Read more

Unshackling Melody: The E Minor Pentatonic Scale Explored

The fascinating world of music excites curiosity and enchants the listener with its myriad moods, built through the use of various scales and chords. Of these, the E minor pentatonic scale stands out with its innate quality of versatility and mellifluousness. Composed of five tones, namely E, G, A, B, and D, this pentatonic scale … Read more

Quick-start Guide to Mastering Guitar Licks

Unraveling the world of guitar licks opens doors to innovation, creativity, and remarkable proficiency in the musical realm. Revered by many as the soul of guitar playing, these specific note sequences elevate music, providing melodious and rhythmic transformations that give songs their unique flavors. From Blues to Rock, Jazz to Country, guitar licks are the … Read more