John Campbell, The Steel Guitar Hero

John Campbell, the Steel Guitar Hero

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Today’s article will delve into the world of John Campbell, a renowned steel guitar hero. After the tragic passing of Stevie Ray Vaughan, my close friend Terry Carr and I were determined to find new sources of inspiration. Our quest led us to explore the works of living masters who had previously influenced players such as SRV. Join us as we explore the artistry of Campbell and the impact it has had on the music industry.

Buddy Guy had been on our radar for a while, but we never expected to see him live. However, we were fortunate enough to experience an incredible performance.”My friends and I are excited to see Buddy Guy, the blues legend who made Jimi Hendrix jump, perform at Staches in Columbus. The venue is a small and hot sweaty bar, but we are heading there full throttle. When we arrived, an opening act was already on stage. However, we were stopped in our tracks before any note was played.”

A striking figure of a man named John Campbell a future steel guitar hero is getting seated, in a Buckskin Jacket, with All manner of bones, and odd Regalia on him.

To be perfectly Honest this cat was scary. He had lines of experience on his face, He also had scars and when he looked around the crowd the intensity of his gaze was a cold chill.

He was in no hurry as his time was his time and he was holding a 1934 National Steel Guitar he explained she was old and a bit temperamental to get in tune. Then he cut loose with a version of Son House’s “Pony Blues” and his delivery of vocal deep dark growling half talking half preaching was perfectly matched to the Blues coming softly at first from the old 34, Tension Building until he poured on the Gasoline and that little bar turned into a Raging Juke Joint.


John Campbell - 1934 National Steel Guitar

He was touring on the second album, and the first released on a Major Label titled “One Believer” and Buddy was on his comeback with “You Damn Right I Got the Blues”. John being born in Louisiana and having lived in Texas was no imitator of the Blues, He was carrying on a Tradition, In More ways than one.

John Campbell Howlin’ Mercy

National Steel Guitar Hero John Campbell Howlin Mercy
john campbell, the steel guitar hero images

There’s not much talked about his interest and education in the Southern practice of voodoo but it was more than understood that it was part of his surroundings.

Lines Like “ I taught the Hell Hound to sit, I cheated Satan Playing Cards. I pulled a knife on the Devil when he Damned my heart.”From His 1993 release “Howlin Mercy”  Campbell was no Poser, He meant his business.

This was a Rocking set, but it wasn’t all about fun, and let’s have a good time. He was telling you something deep, it was up to you if you took it in or you just waited on Buddy.

His was no image, Hair down halfway to his waist, Pulled back and the small adornments didn’t come from some executive’s idea of Image, John was who he was. Like it or leave it. I think he believed and fought the same struggles many of us do, in Spiritual warfare.

John’s song “Down in the Hole” Where singing of Jesus saving your soul if you can Keep the Devil down. Same with Son House, battling his mission between The Blues and the Church and the Devil music debate.

Like the late great Link Wray this guy Campbell also embraced Native American Culture and Spirituality in Using the “Medicine Stick”, The Skull of a Coyote with Bags, bones, Beads, and Feathers Campbell would employ as a Tribal Percussion instrument. I believe he as the Biblical writings go “Tested the Spirits”.

JOHN CAMPBELL – Saddle Up My Pony

John Campbell - Saddle Up My Pony

His Slide wasn’t just the only side to him. He also played a 1952 Gibson Jumbo Acoustic with a pickup installed and was Highly adept at the art of lead Guitar. His Playing was his own combo of Texas Banjo style and the Mississippi Slide Style and he was known or unknown as one of the very best Musicians in every sense of the word.

He had a total of 4 albums during his life 1975: Street Suite (Sync)

1988: A Man And His Blues (Cross Cut) Released 1994

1991: One Believer (Elektra)

1993: Howlin Mercy (Elektra)

 And one posthumous Release 

 2000: Tyler, Texas Session (Sphere Sound)

On June 13, 1993, Campbell died from heart failure as he slept at his Manhattan home in New York City. He was 41 years old. Many Tributes were given from The New York Times to Music genius Chris Whitley.

It’s funny how music can almost stick in your head even Subliminally. I Only Saw John live once in 1991 and heard a particular song that night. This morning as I was writing this I went back over some of his Material and a guitar line stuck out that had popped in my head around 2013 In a tune I wrote called “Creeping Crow” from one of my Solo records and then a Live Staple for the Band “Black Cat Mass”.

Influences are fascinating in that you don’t immediately know they were influences and inspirations. Yet the Hour I got to witness John Campbell do his thing is still with me. He was a Mindblower.

He was a nice man offstage from my experience, yet when he took a stage He was in the Pulpit of the Blues, A Disciple of the True Delta Bluesman. Then he was gone and much too soon.  R.I.P. John

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