Brute Force Metal Guitar &Quot;Torturous Presence&Quot; -Brute

BRUTE Force Metal Guitar “Torturous Presence” -Brute

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Gothoom Productions’ second offering in a godzilla vs kong noise style guitar battle of the bands in conjunction with Guitardoor continues in promoting including Bands from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We as one of the emerging websites for musicians are pleased to have the ability to share their visions of Metal. In this case the Band “BRUTE”. 

What Music is Brute?

BRUTE is a technical death metal band in its most brutal form their sound is straight from the brute himself. The new album “Essence of Tyranny” combines ferocity, brutality, and incredible technical maturity.

Brute Band Members

The album Essence of Tyranny Being features, Stefan Tokár, Dominik Mesaroš , Jaro Ďurech and  Krzysztof Klingbein.

BRUTE – Torturous Presence /Official lyrics video/

Brute - Torturous Presence /Official Lyrics Video/

The Band has an already successful and prolific presence in the Metal world. The Slovak death metal band BRUTE was founded by Štefan Tokár in December 1998 . The first line-up consisted of: Štefan Tokár / bass guitar /, Pavol Fil / vocals /, Slavko Tokár / guitar /, Jozef Mucha / drums / and Tomáš Laco / guitar.

As with Many bands, members have come and gone but the vision of Tokar has remained steadfast and the Music Leading up to this new album is the true evidence of his dedication.

Fetus of Evil    Demo    2000     

Furious Pictures and Agony    Demo    2008     

Brute Force Band
brute force metal guitar "torturous presence" -brute images

Inhuman Seed of Terror    Demo    2010     

Sophisticated Atrocity    Full-length    2012   

Pillory    Full-length    2014     

Henchmen    Full-length    2017   

The new album will be released under their hard metal rock label @Gothoom productions on February 22, 2022 as an exclusive digipack, jewel Box and USB, vinyl is also planned !!! It will be a massacre !!!! The album will be dedicated to the great supporter of the band Juro Immortal Haríň as well as his brand Slovak Metal Army.

BRUTE is an avalanche of Ferocity. I generally don’t prefer to make comparisons as they are their own entity , yet I think if you are a fan of bands like “Cannibal Corpse” then “Essence of Tyranny “  will find its home in your collection of great and true Death Metal.

In looking back  a decade to BRUTE’s “Sophisticated Atrocity” project you can gleen the mission of the band has not waivered. They found their sound and have no reason to deviate from that path. They wave the banner for old school Mosh Pit, Black eye and Broken teeth grin. 

BRUTE – Sophisticated Atrocity (Full Album)

Brute - Sophisticated Atrocity (Full Album)

Gothoom Productions dates back to 2008. Gothoom’s priority is to provide comprehensive services for bands from the initial recordings to the release itself, combined with a mission statement for the promotion and distribution to a target audience of metal music fans. They hold annual events such as their own music festival. The company is top-notch in every way and we look forward to hearing and seeing what they have on tap next.

Gothoom 2018 Aftermovie

Gothoom 2018 Aftermovie


Gothoom Open Air 2019 Aftermovie

Brute on Facebook

Stay updated on the Brute Page on Facebook to hear more like Essence of Tyranny and the Sophisticated Atrocity summer 2022 doom metal gigs and more Mayhem band members with new releases.

Brute Force Metal Guitar &Quot;Torturous Presence&Quot; -Brute
members of the slovak metal group brute

Visit gothoom records

Order “ Essence of Tyranny” below….

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